Oleg Krasovitsky





Born in Baku. In 2013 he graduated from the Theatre Institute n.a. B. Shchukin - a special course of the theatre «Moscow Operetta» (course of V.I. Tartakovsky and E.V. Knyazev).

Since 2013 he has been working in the theatre «Moscow Operetta». Nowadays in the repertoire of actor there are following parts: Richard (operetta «Fairy of Carnival») and Fanfan (operetta-musical «Fanfan la tulipe»), Leonid Otkosov (jazz-fantasy "Free wind of dreams").

In 2016-2017 he played the part of Chagal in the Moscow production of the musical «Dance of Vampires», Stage Entertainment.

With the St. Petersburg State Theater of Musical Comedy has been cooperating since 2014. Performed the role of Axel Swift in the musical comedy "Hollywood Diva". In 2016 he took part in the musical "The Ball of Vampires" (Chagal).






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